The lender of last resort in the UK economy is the Bank of England. When banks hit sticky times they turn to the Old Lady for a shot in the arm, and she must oblige. This is exactly what happened last year, when banks had massively over-borrowed, they were loaned vast sums by the Bank.
You may be left asking where this money came from: who were the creditors? The answer is that, because there was no one left to lend money, the government itself acted as what we might think of as the 'borrower of last resort'.* When all else fails, a government can decide to create money by political fiat - the quantitative easing policy. And who do they borrow money from? The answer, I'm afraid, is you and me - and we are now being asked to pay this back through spending cuts, higher taxes and more work.
Leaving aside the question of whether the UK is really capable of paying back this level of debt without unacceptable suffering and civil unrest, let us consider for a while longer the concept of a borrower of last resort. When demand in the economy is so low that we are in a self-reinforcing downward spiral, as we are now, a capitalist economy requires the government to step in and borrow, just as it would expect the central bank to step in and lend to banks. So rather than cuts and austerity in the public sector we need to see borrowing and investment.

*Thanks to Richard Douthwaite for this useful thought - and so many others. Tweet
JAK Bank of Sweden's model could be considered "Green" and is VERY Islamic model for whatever reason.,968,22,
ReplyDeleteInstead of trying to build some brand new economic model, tweak JAK's model and push it into the Muslim market which is about 20% of the human population of 1.5 billion people.
Why Muslims? Because they cannot
religiously deal with interest AND maintaining positive net worth is
part of their religion.
JAK has at least 600 members who want to expand the interest-free banking idea.
Liaquat Ali
PS: I am developing interest-free and sustainable models primarily for Muslims at this time but could be rolled out for everyone else after piloting them on Muslims. Check these out: