While the Tory action in favour of the interests of capital is true to form and unsurprising it follows the years of New Labour governments that did nothing to defend the interests of the class that party was formed to defend, but implemented policies to enhance in the share of the national product going to capital. The tax burden on individuals has increased rapidly (from £48.8bn. in 1989/90 to £109.5bn. in 2002/3 and £156.7bn. in 2008/9) while that for corporations has grown more slowly. Despite a massive growth in corporate profits during the same period the tax they paid rose from £21.5bn. in 1989/90 to £29.3bn. in 2002/3 and £44.9bn in 2008.*
And a political elite that pimps its people often pimps its environment too. So the land is opened to rape and pillage, with local development plans torn up, depriving the elected politicians who know and care about their local area of any power to resist development for the sake of profit and growth for the sake of growth. Greenbelt, habitat for rare species, valued leisure environments - none shall stand in the way of a few more points on GDP and larger profits for property developers and the construction industry. The decision to remove the need to apply for change of use when converting office buildings and shops to houses is typical of the drive for profit rather than a policy of considered economic development. The designation and auctioning of development land is another example of the heedless generation of cash.
The phrase 'race to the bottom' was revived to describe the situation where corporations rule the world and can force governments to outbid each other to cut taxes and environmental standards. There is no evidence that this improves the economic performance of countries, and it is frequently disastrous in social and environmental terms. We only have to look across the Irish Sea to see where the policy of making yourself cheap for business, the 21st century version of the putting out system perhaps, leads to. If unstable, unreliable growth, with the returns shared unequally and at the expense of social cohesion and environmental destruction are what you are looking for, then you can be sure you have the right Chancellor to provide it.
*Adam, S. and J. Browne. 2009. A survey of the UK tax system. London: Institute for Fiscal Studies.
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Hi, I see that you're interested in co-operatives and bioregional economies. What do you make of Plaid Cymru's 'greenprint' for the South Wales Valleys region?
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious to all, but those blinded by the glitter of their gold, that neo-liberalism has no plan for the future. It cannot save itself except on our backs, and then only temporarily. I have linked to your blog on my pages promoting a new edition of Paul Lafague's Right to be Lazy. See