The Green Group in the European parliament is engaged in
spirited opposition to the negotiation of a new EU-US trade treaty,
negotiations that are being carried on behind closed doors and with very little discussion in the UK media. Officially known as
the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, the biggest trade treaty
ever negotiated is being strongly supported
by the Commission, which argues that it will add 0.5% per year to EU trade. Given
that the post-war regime of trade liberalisation has reduced almost all tariff
barriers across the Atlantic the focus here is on ‘non-tariff barriers’, a
phrase that could cover a multitude of sins.
Emphasis is likely to be on standardising regulation in
areas such as agricultural production, where Europe has much stricter laws on
issues such as GMOs and hormones in beef and milk production. Other areas where
‘harmonisation’ might lead to a lowering of European standards are the chemical
industry, currently restrained by the REACH regulations, and intellectual
property, where the fight over the recent ACTA indicates the aims of US
pharmaceutical and media corporate.
In his plentary contribution to the parliamentary debate (available
on Youtube but only in French), Yannick Jadot,
elected to the parliament in 2009 from
the Europe Écologie list in France and Vice-Chair of the Parliament's committee on trade, argued
that decisions on trade and on the economy generally should be made
democratically since the economy belongs to all those who participate in it,
not to the corporations who would benefit from greater international trade. He
also criticised the Council of Ministers and the Commission for greatly
exaggerating the economic benefits of greater trade liberalisation.
The fundamental Green critique is that, as currently constituted, the trade treaty would allow
corporations to claim compensation if national governments introduce laws that
they believe have undermined their ability to make profits. Rather than the
somewhat limp argument currently used by politicians to justify satisfying the
whim of corporate barons, this would give such arguments real legal teeth and shift power further away from the citizen and in the direction of corporations.